Sage BTA845UK

Sage BTA845UK
alaAverage 4.4

39 Tests

Jun 2024

alaTest hat 39 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Sage BTA845UK zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.4/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 88/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 39 Bewertungen)



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Zeige 1 - 10 von 39 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Schweiz | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Fantastic toaster would definitely recommend.


This toaster is a little on the expensive side but makes lovely toast, crumpets too, highly Recommend to anyone, great toaster .

Sep 2019

Kundenmeinung (



Our toaster was just about doing the job so we bought the Sage one. It goes with the kettle and the mixer. Fantastic control and great look.

Apr 2018

Kundenmeinung (



Simply the best toaster that we have ever owned during the last 50 years.

Feb 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Broke down in a month


The toaster stopped working after a month. Very disappointing considering the cost.

Feb 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Sage toaster


Excellent piece of equipment . Love the quick look button Toasts the bread evenly

Feb 2018

Kundenmeinung (

A Five Star toaster.


A very efficient toaster with a great variety of settings both for size and colouring, thick to thin including a special crumpet setting.

Jan 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Waste of money


My husband has used it once, will be returning it, bread didnt fit and one side didnt toast all the bread, a cheap toaster would toast better

Okt 2017

Kundenmeinung (

SAGE by Heston Blumenthal BTA845UK Smart 4-Slice Toaster - Silver


Easy to use and nice style.

Okt 2017

Kundenmeinung (

SAGE by Heston Blumenthal BTA845UK Smart 4-Slice Toaster - Silver


We like the crumpet setting feature

It is expensive for a toaster, several similar models are on the market for a lot less money.

Sep 2017

Kundenmeinung (

fantastic toaster


This is best toaster I've owned, it browns the toast perfectly and the self load function is excellent.

Sep 2017

Preisvergleich für Sage BTA845UK

No prices for this product